From Life’s a Mango, Your Dream
Let your light shine now,
Create and be seen.
Do what you love and
Dare to have the big dream.
A meaningful journey
Of wonder and light.
There will be some hitches
But don’t give up the fight. ©
This inspirational movie is sure to change people’s lives – for the better. I can imagine someone going to see The Greatest Showman at the cinema. There’s something they know they should be doing, it keeps niggling away at them. They try to ignore it. They try to shrug it off. They talk themselves out of it. They tell themselves that what they are thinking is crazy – even stupid. The heart continues to try to be heard. The head continues to tell it to be quiet because the dream is not considered sensible, logical or timely.
This person goes to see The Greatest Showman. An inspiring musical about believing in your dreams. Following your dreams. Never giving up on your dreams. Visualizing your dreams. Risking everything. As this person sits in the cinema watching an amazing movie about love, about hard work, about believing in a future vision, even though those around you are doubting you and endeavouring to make you fail, this person knows, without any shadow of a doubt, that the voice from the heart is the one they are meant to listen to. Their heart beats faster, their mind starts to picture the future reality and they know, they just know, the dream they are meant to manifest. At least, this is what they feel during the movie, alone in the darkness.
The movie finishes, the credits come up and this person KNOWS that their life will never, ever be the same. They exit the cinema complex and decide that they WILL put this idea into motion. That is one scenario. The other is that they will, yet again, tell themselves that what they felt back there in the darkness was just make-believe and fairy tales.
This movie will change lives. This movie will inspire people to do stuff they keep talking themselves out of. This movie will help you to see what really matters in life – to be true to yourself, to be true to your loved ones, to be true to your creative path and when you get knocked down, to get up, brush yourself off and continue on or heah, even start over. Maybe more than once!
Do yourself a favour, even if musicals aren’t really your thing. I dare you to watch this movie and not feel that your life’s path has been transformed in some way.
The secret to happiness is this – being profoundly grateful for what you have, doing what you love and doing what inspires you - all for the benefit of others – to make yourself and others happy. Wow! That’s what The Greatest Showman is all about. Dream it. See it. Live it.
Jen x
